August 2023 Meeting Minutes
August 7, 2023
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, August 7, 2023 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:00pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, Tip Piper, Andy Plessel and Dylan Brandt (arrived at 6:30)
Absent: None
Piper made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for July 10, 2023, payment of bills totaling $17146.73 and financial reports, Stucki seconded
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried (Brandt Absent for Vote)
Chicken Ordinance No. 229 – Second Reading: Motion to Approve Second Reading by Piper, seconded by Plessel.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried (Brandt Absent for Vote)
City Burn Site - Update: No further information gathered, tabled till next month.
Certified Water and Sewer Operator – Progress Update: No further progress, tabled till next month.
Purchase of Spare Cylinder for Plow: Piper will be taking measurements after meeting and pricing out options.
Dora’s Taco Truck Vendor Permit: Motion was made by Stucki to grant a 1 year license to Dora’s Taco Truck owners to allow them a once a month visit to Woden, seconded by Rout
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried (Brandt Absent for Vote)
City Street Financial Report: Report was discussed and Motion was made by Plessel to accept report, seconded by Stucki.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried (Brandt Absent for Vote)
441 Howard Ave Abandoned Property Update:
Discussed that partial payment of outstanding debt had been paid. Also discussed other properties in town and potential resolutions.
Open for Discussion: Discussed the growing vandalism of public property in Woden, particularly at the parks and fire station, and discussed potential resolutions to help mitigate the problem and deal with perpetrators.
Discussed getting quotes to install further city drain tile at the alleyway corner on 2nd street between Main and Way Ave.
Adjournment: Piper made motion to adjourn at 7:06 PM, Rout seconded
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Income for August
General $3239.30 Road $0 Emergency$18.59
Water $4007.66 Sewer $6310 Benefits $60.77
Library $177.97
Claims Paid
Amazon Books & Supplies -258.58
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Wet Tax -197.45
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Sales Tax -44.10
Bartelt, Verla Wages -154.91
Swingen, Matthew Wages -185.89
Swingen, Lisa Wages -483.13
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -31.21
Clinton Schujter mowing -1,600.00
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -89.04
Ewald David Office Supplies - Amazon -25.62
Brandt Farm Drainage LLC Repair and Replace Tile -858.93
Iowa One Call 5 notifications -4.50
Ag Source Samples -27.50
Iowa Department of Natural Resources Annual NPDES Permit Fee -210.00
Michael D. Troe June 2023 -450.00
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -670.77
Allaint - Water Electric -330.09
Allaint - Ball field Electric -43.60
Alliant- Road Electric -135.53
BMC Aggregates rock -348.75
Waste Management Garbage -1,905.85
Woden City Sewer Sewer Parks -135.00
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer -45.00
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
Ben Patten Reimbursement -96.17
Patten, Benjamin Wages -1,132.97
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wages -55.53
Ewald Clerk, David Wages -484.69
United States Treasury SS, Med and Fed -839.89
Alliant - Library Electric -61.32
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.38
Gold-Eagle Grass Seed -110.60
Paul M Buns Water Operator -200.00
July 2023 Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2023
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, June 5, 2023 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:03pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, Tip Piper, Andy Plessel and Dylan Brandt (arrived at 6:45)
Absent: None
Stucki made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for June 5, 2023, payment of bills totaling $28023.58 and financial report, Piper seconded
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried (Brandt Absent for Vote)
Chicken Ordinance No. 229 – First Reading: Motion to Approve First Reading by Piper, seconded by Plessel.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried (Brandt Absent for Vote)
City Burn Site - Update: Discussed revisiting putting the Burn Site out by the Lagoon. Mayor Buns and/or Councilman Rout will attempt to contact owner of record to arrange discussions.
Certified Water and Sewer Operator – Progress Update: Sewer certification test planned by Paul Buns end of month or early next month.
Purchase of Forks for City Tractor: Forks purchased and delivered.
Purchase of Backup Sewer Equipment: Ordered 2 replacement Septic Pumps and 2 replacement Motor Start Contactor for control boxes based off of prices quoted of $1323.34 per pump and $104.41 per contactor. Awaiting Delivery.
Purchase of Spare Cylinder for Plow: Piper will be taking measurements and getting pricing for ordering.
Open for Discussion: Discussed using a trailer as opposed to a bin for recycled cans/bottles.
Building Permit 201 Main – Brody Cox: Motion to approve the permit made by Plessel, seconded by Piper.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried (Brandt Absent for Vote)
Wastewater Treatment Facility Inspection Report Review: Paul discussed the report with the council, no problems were found.
Mosquito Spraying: Discussed if we should spray now or hold off. Council decided to hold for now.
Library Board Raises: Council was made aware of Library Wage Adjustments.
Open for Discussion: Discussed face plates not present to cover electric breaker switches on panels in both north and south parks. Covers will be appropriated and installed.
Discussed Dora’s Taco Truck visiting Woden on Friday, July 21 from 5-7 PM.
Rock Bunker costs were discussed and Ben was given go ahead to proceed with purchase and construction. Motion to approve the building permit for the project was made by Piper, seconded by Plessel.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Inverter for city truck was discussed. Bill Rout will get pricing for 1800KW inverter for next meeting
Adjournment: Rout made motion to adjourn at 7:35 PM, Stucki seconded
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Clerk Mayor
Income for June
General $7216.19 Road $2260.60 Emergency $22.39
Water $3967.73 Sewer $7270.11 Benefits $73.17
Library $10.96
Claims Paid
Iowa Department of Natural Resources Annual Public Water Supply Fee -25.00
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -87.16
Ben Patten Reimbursement -67.55
Paul M Buns Reimburse -1,058.78
Riekens Plumbing & Heating Water Heater Element Fire Department -136.15
Iowa league of Cities Member dues 7/1/23-6/30-24 -375.00
Alliant- Road Electric -120.49
Allaint - Ball field Electric -20.38
Allaint - Water Electric -283.37
Michael D. Troe May 2023 -450.00
Ag Source Samples -27.50
Algona Machine & Supply, Inc. Rebuild Snow Plow -449.80
Waste Management Garbage -1,923.64
Schumacher Well Drilling Inc Replace Water Tower Pump and Pipe -11,597.70
Gold-Eagle Chemicals -232.61
Cassie Schutjer Reimburse -595.00
Patten, Benjamin Wages -1,421.76
Ewald Clerk, David Wages -387.75
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wages -55.53
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
Alliant - Library Electric -55.36
NuWay-K&H Energy LP -416.66
Beacon Subscription -629.56
Overdrive e book sub -339.48
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.36
Bartelt, Verla Wages -103.27
Harms, Nancy E Wages -43.02
Swingen, Matthew Wages -129.08
Swingen, Lisa Wages -538.36
Clinton Schujter mowing -800.00
Woden City Sewer sewer Parks -135.00
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer -45.00
USPS Postage -70.05
June 2023 Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2023
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, June 5, 2023 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 5:59pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, Tip Piper (arrived at 6:25), Andy Plessel and Dylan Brandt
Absent: None
Plessel made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for May 1, 2023, payment of bills totaling $20946.59 and financial report, Brandt seconded
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried (Piper Absent for Vote)
Chicken Ordinance: Discussed Ordinance Want and Needs. Sending to the Lawyer for drafting.
Paul’s Contract Proposal: Discussed Paul’s position and compensation for the Reserve City Worker position when the current part time city worker is not available to fulfill needed duties. The proposed contract was accepted with a change from a hard limit $220 monthly cap before permission from council to $500 monthly cap before permission from the Mayor Pro Temp. Motion to approve contract made by Rout, seconded by Plessel.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried (Piper Absent for Vote)
City Burn Site: Pushed to next month, given a no answer for the triangle piece of land just outside of town. Looking for further location possibilities.
Certified Water and Sewer Operator – Progress Update: Sewer discussion tabled for future consideration for Paul Buns to assume this role upon certification completion. Water certificate is up to date and filed.
Purchase of Forks for City Tractor: No updates on order lead time
Purchase of Backup Sewer Equipment: Discussed ordering 2 replacement Septic Pumps and 2 replacement Motor Start Contactor for control boxes based off of prices quoted of $1323.34 per pump and $104.41 per contactor. Order will be placed.
Purchase of Spare Cylinder for Plow: Agreed to purchase a spare cylinder based on the quoted pricing of approximately $500
City Clerk review and Wage Adjustment Resolution 23-6: Motion to approve Wage Adjustment Resolution for City Clerk made by Stucki, seconded by Plessel
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Purchase of Larger Can Recycle Bin for the City: Discussed having Ben purchase a new 10’x10’ bin with a pricing of approximately $450.
Library Board Appointment: Discussed pros and cons of 5 vs. 6 board members, appointment of Angie Dahle to board. Motion to appoint made by Piper, seconded by Stucki.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Building Permit 103 3rd St. – Dale Peterson: Motion to approve the permit made by Rout, seconded by Piper.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Fireworks Permission for Don Krull: Motion to allow fireworks at the Woden ballpark and make $600 payment for fireworks made by Plessel, seconded by Piper.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Keith Larson, Building next to Bank - Update: Discussed Keith Larson’s plans for the building of having an architect help in building restoration. Unsure of future use for building after restoration completed.
Mayor and Council Elections – Upcoming Open Seats: Discussed the Mayor seat and 3 council seats that are up for election. The 3 seats up for election are Tip Piper, Dylan Brandt (appointed seat) and Andrew Plessel (appointed seat).
Second Ball Diamond and Batting Cage Poles: Discussed whether to remove poles and discontinue maintenance of second ball diamond. Determined to leave as is for now.
Non-mowed Lawns in Town: Discussed the number of lawns left uncut in May. Was determined most were due to No Mow May.
Open Discussions: Discussed Eric Eden wanting to purchase 331 Way Ave if city is willing to forgive the lein and any Debt due the city. Council will revisit if a purchase agreement is brought to the Council.
Adjournment: Piper made motion to adjourn at 7:35 PM, Rout seconded
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Clerk Mayor
Income for May
General $8,023.45 Road $2115.16 Emergency $30.29
Water $3217.56 Sewer $7224.33 Benefits $99.01
Library $13.25
Claims Paid
Name Memo Amount
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
BMC Aggregates rock -1,001.26
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -93.59
Ben Patten Reimbursement -802.26
Carlson Drainage Root Removal and tank inspec -365.00
Clinton Schujter mowing -2,300.00
IowaMWCA Work Comp Ins -2,320.00
Ag Source Samples -75.25
North Iowa Lumber & Design supplies -92.92
Alliant- Road Electric -87.23
Allaint - Water Electric -224.43
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -664.79
Allaint - Ball field Electric -19.07
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
Waste Management Garbage -1,924.17
Michael D. Troe April 2023 -450.00
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -90.87
Patten, Benjamin Wages -1,858.66
Ewald Clerk, David Wages -369.57
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wages -46.29
Bartelt, Verla Wages -120.48
Swingen, Matthew Wages -146.30
Swingen, Lisa Wages -618.11
Alliant - Library Electric -55.16
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.50
Amazon Books & Supplies -285.60
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Sales Tax -44.10
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Wet Tax -164.69
United States Treasury May SS, Med and Fed Payroll -797.07
IPERS May Ipers -565.09
May 2023 Meeting Minutes
May 1, 2023
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, May 1, 2023 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 5:59pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, Tip Piper, Andy Plessel and Dylan Brandt (arrived at 6:30)
Absent: None
Piper made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for April 3, 2023, payment of bills totaling $15,035.08 and financial report, Rout seconded
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried (Brandt Absent for Vote)
Public Hearing for Proposed Budget Amendment: Hearing was closed at 6:09, Motion by Piper to approve amendments, seconded by Plessel.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried (Brandt Absent for Vote)
Solar Panels Ordinance – Third Reading Ordinance 228: Motion by Stucki to approve 3rd reading, seconded by Plessel
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried (Brandt Absent for Vote)
Motion by Plessel to adopt Ordinance 228, seconded by Piper
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried (Brandt Absent for Vote)
City Burn Site: Pushed to next month, no new information on potential locations
Certified Water and Sewer Operator – Progress Update: Sewer discussion tabled for future consideration for Paul Buns to assume this role upon certification completion
Purchase of Forks for City Tractor: Order placed by Paul Buns, was given a 15 week lead time
Front and Back Plow on City Tractor – Refurbish Update: Shelved till next month when Ben is back
Alley Maintenance: Waiting for return of City Plow from Algona Machine for repairs
Purchase of Backup Sewer Equipment: Discussed ordering 6 replacement Septic Pumps if under or around $250 apiece, otherwise we will revisit this next month. Also, ordering 6 replacement Motor Start Contactor for control boxes if under or around $50 each.
Purchase of Spare Cylinder for Plow: Discussed Tip pricing out after the Plow comes back from being repaired. He will also price new springs at that time.
Paul’s Contract Proposal: Discussed Options for contract formats, specific work duties and compensation for each. It was determined for Water and Sewer Operator, Paul would be compensated $200 per title monthly. It was further determined Paul would contract with the City in a backup worker capacity when the current part time city worker is not available to fulfill needed duties. A contract will be written up for approval at next months meeting.
Chicken Ordinance: Discussed Ordinance Options and Permitting while reviewing some examples. Council members will review and bring thoughts to next meeting for further discussion.
Open Discussions: Discussed Ben purchasing either a portable generator or Inverter for the city.
Discussed July meeting date, it was determined to move the date to Monday, July 10th due to the Fourth of July Holiday.
Motion was made to increase City Clerk wages for David Ewald to $20 per hour by Stucki, seconded by Piper.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Adjournment: Piper made motion to adjourn at 7:26 PM, Stucki seconded
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Income for April
General $29,040.31 Road $1640.35 Emergency $620.20
Water $3144.77 Sewer $7171.83 Benefits $2026.83
Library $14.57
Claims Paid
Name Memo Amount
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
Hancock County Law Contract -954.16
Ben Patten Fuel Reimbursement -130.27
Michael D. Troe Feb and March 2023 -900.00
Ag Source Samples -27.50
Waste Management Garbage -1,941.93
ClerkBooks Inc Classes -240.00
North Iowa Lumber&Design supplies -107.03
Hancock County Abstract Abstract -175.00
Alliant- Road Electric -271.87
Allaint - Ball field Electric -20.38
Allaint - Water Electric -247.88
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -662.93
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -87.05
Woden City Sewer sewer Parks -135.00
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer -45.00
Midwest Pipe Supply Repairs -236.00
Alliant - Library Electric -63.50
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.36
NuWay-K&H Energy LP -193.75
Amazon Books -183.76
Bartelt, Verla Wages -129.08
Harms, Nancy E Wages -17.21
Swingen, Matthew Wages -292.60
Swingen, Lisa Wages -338.97
Ewald Clerk, David Wages -536.19
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wages -152.73
Patten, Benjamin Wages -1,088.53
Schuler Ty Water Deposit Refund -35.84
United States Treasury April Taxes -804.61
IPERS April Ipers -605.98
April 2023 Meeting Minutes
April 3, 2023
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, April 3, 2023 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 5:59pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, Tip Piper, Andy Plessel and Dylan Brandt
Absent: None
Piper made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for March 6, 2023, payment of bills totaling $14,130.54 and financial report, Stucki seconded
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Solar Panels Ordinance – Second Reading Ordinance 228: Motion by Piper to Approve 1st reading, seconded by Stucki
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Street Maintenance and Repair Contract – Sealed Bids: Reps for both Blacktop Services and Heartland Asphalt were present to answer questions for the bids they provided. After discussions, Stucki made the motion to reject both bids as they were both over budget, seconded by Piper
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Burn Site: Pushed to next month, no new information on potential locations
Certified Water and Sewer Operator – Progress Update: Paul Buns has completed Water Operator recertification and is drafting a contract. Sewer discussion tabled for future consideration for Paul Buns to assume this role upon certification completion
Purchase of Forks for City Tractor: Motion by Stucki to purchase Forks, seconded by Piper
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Front and Back Plow on City Tractor – Refurbish Update: Shelved till next month when Ben is back
Lawn Mowing Contract: Discussed 2 bids had arrived to the City Office. Motion by Rout to accept bid provided by Clinton and Jacey Schutjer, seconded by Piper
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Wide Cleanup: Dumpster ordered and City will proceed as planned.
2nd Chances Liquor License Renewal Approval: Motion to approve made by Piper, seconded by Plessel
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
CO2 Hazardous Pipeline thru Hancock County: Discussed letter, determined not to send letter in protest.
Amend Budget – General Government (General Fund): Discussed increasing budget by $28,000 and holding a public hearing to amend for all budget amendments herein at the next council meeting. Motion by Piper, seconded by Rout
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Amend Budget – Public Works (Road Use Fund): Discussed increasing budget by $10,000. Motion by Piper, seconded by Plessel
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Amend Budget – Sewer Budget: Discussed increasing budget by $5,000. Motion by Piper, seconded by Brandt
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Sidewalk South of Post Office Letter: Discussed letter sent by Concerned Citizen about the sidewalk south of the Post Office. Determined by council there was no merit for action.
Alley Maintenance: Alley behind 410/401 Main needs repairs, will be completed
Open Discussions: Discussed contract that was signed to install secondary water pump
Discussed creating an Ordinance to allow up to 6 chickens in town. It was agreed that an ordinance will be drafted and presented at a future council meeting
Adjournment: Piper made motion to adjourn at 8:12 PM, Rout seconded
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Clerk Mayor
Income for March
General $5606.13 Road $971.43 Emergency $5.79
Water $2749.87 Sewer $7146.35 Benefits $18.92
Library $11.31
Claims Paid
Bartelt, Verla Wages -103.27
Swingen, Matthew Wages -339.93
Swingen, Lisa Wages -393.79
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761.00
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
Allaint - Ball field Electric -19.07
Allaint - Water Electric -220.51
Alliant- Road Electric -309.23
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -657.26
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.85
Waste Management Garbage -1,960.05
Ag Source Samples -27.50
J.P. Cooke Animal Tags -75.85
Patten, Benjamin Wages -918.21
Swingen, Matthew Wages -454.39
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wages -97.20
Ewald Clerk, David Wages -530.12
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Sales Tax -44.10
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Wet Tax -151.82
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Q1 State Withholding -974.66
IPERS March -518.95
United States Treasury March -729.34
Woden City Sewer sewer Parks -135.00
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer -45.00
Alliant - Library Electric -60.52
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.76
March 2023 Meeting Minutes
March 6, 2023
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:00pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, Tip Piper, Andy Plessel and Dylan Brandt (arrived 6:23).
Absent: None
Piper made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for February 6, 2023, payment of bills totaling $28,186.83 and financial report Stucki seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Public Hearing for 2023-2024 Budget Approval: Hearing opened, no opposition to budget adoption expressed. Roll call Vote, all Ayes. Motion by Piper, Rout second to close hearing.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
Solar Panels Ordinance – First Reading Ordinance 228: Motion by Piper to Approve 1st reading, second by Rout
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
City Burn Site: Pushed to next month, no new information of potential locations
Certified Water and Sewer Operator: Discussed Paul Buns continuing with the City as a Contracted Water Operator upon recertification and drafting of a contract. Sewer discussion tabled for future consideration for Paul Buns to assume this role upon certification completion
ICAP Grant 2023: Submitted purchase of Tractor Tire Chains as use of grant funds in 2023, awaiting approval from ICAP.
Purchase of Forks for City Tractor: Discussed purchasing a set of Forks for use with the city tractor. Waiting for further quotes, shelfed until next month.
Lawn Mowing Contract: Discussed that as of the time of the meeting, no bids had arrived to the City Office.
2nd Chances Liquor License Renewal Pre-Approval: Tabled until next month as they have not applied for renewal yet.
ICAP Proxy: Discussed continuing to have the Mayor and the City Clerk as proxy members. Motion by Piper, Stucki second.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Community Center Board Member from City Council: Discussed having Council Member Andrew Plessel represent the city on the Community Center Board. He accepted.
City Wide Cleanup: Council set the date for this year’s cleanup to begin Friday, April 21st and run until Tuesday, April 25th ending at 6pm.
Street Maintenance and Repair Contract: Discussed sending out letters to Heartland & Black Top Services asking for bids to access our roads and determine needed repairs.
Front and Back Plow on City Tractor – Refurbish or Replacement: Discussed if the city should consider purchasing new plow blades or refurbish the existing blades. Council will look into price of refurbishing blades, shelved till next month
Adjournment: Piper made motion to adjourn at 7:10 PM, Plessel second.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Clerk Mayor
Income for February
General $11746.68 Road $1674.31 Emergency $5.06
Water $3069.39 Sewer $7205.48 Benefits $16.52
Library $15.02
Claims to be Paid
Ben Patten Tester and Supplies -33.28
Iowa Alcohol Beverage Division Community Center Fundraiser Liquor License -24.38
Paul M Buns Lumber -18
Murra Hardware replacement Lights -26.97
Ag Source Samples -27.5
ICAP Ins. Premiums -11,159.00
Hawkins Chemicals -170.75
Michael D. Troe Jan-23 -450
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -649.41
Alliant- Road Electric -289.4
Allaint - Ball field Electric -19.73
Allaint - Water Electric -224.38
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
Waste Management Garbage -1,961.08
Ewald David Checks Printer Supplies -213.82
Woden City Sewer sewer Parks -135
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -94.41
Ewald Clerk, David Wages -502.87
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wages -259.17
Patten, Benjamin Wages -851.58
Office of Auditor of State examination fee -800
Gold-Eagle No1 Deisel Dyed -1,504.89
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Sales and Wet Tax -215.07
United States Treasury February SS, Med and Fed Tax -982.02
IPERS February -717.53
ICAP Ins. Premiums -575
Bartelt, Verla Wages -103.27
Swingen, Matthew Wages -292.6
Swingen, Lisa Wages -338.97
Alliant - Library Electric -64.66
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.76
Summit Tribune subscription -108.99
Gold-Eagle Softener Salt -8.21
February 2023 Meeting Minutes
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, February 6, 2023 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:01pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, Tip Piper, Andy Plessel and Dylan Brandt.
Absent: None
Rout made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for January 3, 2023, payment of bills totaling $22,401.52 and financial report Piper seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Hearing to Set Maximum Property Tax to Certify for Levy: Hearing opened, no opponents to maximum levy expressed. Roll call Vote, all Ayes. Motion by Rout, Stucki second to close hearing.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
Garbage Contract: Discussed options of Companies to call and options required by Woden for service - Tabled for further discussion in approximately 9 months’ time
Solar Panels Ordinance: Discussed Attorney drafted Solar Energy Systems Ordinance. Draft was accepted and will be put on next month’s agenda for approval.
City Code Updates – Third Reading Ordinance 22-7: Motion by Rout, Piper second to Approve 3rd reading
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
Approve Ordinance 22-7: Motion by Piper, Rout second to approve passing
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
City Burn Site: Continued discussion of possible locations, further information being gathered and will be looked at again at next month’s meeting
Set Public Hearing for 2023-2024 Budget Approval: Motion by Piper, Brandt second to set Public hearing for Monday, March 6 at 6PM during council meeting.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
Certified Water and Sewer Operator: Discussed Paul Buns Trucking continuing with the City as a Contracted Water Operator upon recertification and drafting of a contract. Sewer discussing tabled till next month.
Snow Removal Personnel: Discussed Paul Buns hours for snow removal hours
ICAP Grant 2023: Discussed purchase of Tractor Tire Chains as potential use of grant funds if available in 2023.
Purchase of Forks for City Tractor: Discussed purchasing a set of Forks for use with the city tractor. Waiting for a quote, shelfed until next month.
Hancock County Portable Backup Generator: Discussed purchasing Generator with other cities to use for emergency backup. Concerns were brought up about usage and inclusion of Woden in purchase was decided against.
Lawn Mowing Contract: Discussed sending out Bids for Lawn Mowing of Parks and other City Owned properties. Notice will be sent out second week of February asking for bids.
City Web Site: Discussed merits of keeping current hosting company versus changing to new prototype site under development. Motion by Plessel, Stucki second to switch City Website over to new platform.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Vegas Night Liquor License: Motion by Piper, Plessel second to have city apply for license.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Motion by Piper, Plessel second to pre-approve acceptance of license.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Adjournment: Piper made motion to adjourn at 8:04 PM, Brandt second.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Income for January
General $8199.74 Road $1450.28 Emergency $0.00
Water $3777.79 Sewer $7106.33 Benefits $0.00
Library $15.82
Claims to be Paid
Patten Ben mileage -29
High Meadow Properties LLC City Utility Refund account 125 -17.92
US Postal Service stamped envelopes -769.8
Ag Source Samples -222
GovOffice website -660
Iowa One Call 8 notifications -7.2
ClerkBooks Inc software -850
Ag Source Samples -26.75
Allaint - Ball field Electric -21.7
Allaint - Water Electric -298.32
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -671.16
Alliant- Road Electric -334.73
Michael D. Troe Dec-22 -450
Waste Management Garbage -1,987.68
Algona Machine & Supply, Inc. Fix Tractor Cylinders -591.89
KCN Nielsen LTD Tractor and Snow Blower Parts for Repair -1,914.31
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
First State Bank Lock Box -9
Woden City Sewer sewer Parks -135
Petty Cash Replenish Petty Cash -75.75
Ewald Clerk, David Wages -484.69
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wages -286.95
Patten, Benjamin Wages -1,125.57
Deb R. Schimmelpfennig Reimburse for supplies -670.05
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -91.58
Swingen, Matthew Wages -927.72
Buns, Paul Wages -143.9
USA Blue Book Invoice # 239016 -717.94
Alliant - Library Electric -77.1
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer -45
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.76
Bartelt, Verla Wages -103.27
Swingen, Lisa Wages -254.22
NuWay-K&H Energy LP -484.59
United States Treasury SS, Medi and Fed Withholding -1,321.48
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Sales and Wet Tax -257.13
IPERS January -1,004.20
January 2023 Meeting Minutes
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Dylan Brandt at 6:09pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, Tip Piper, Andy Plessel and Dylan Brandt.
Absent: None
Rout made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for December 12, 2022 meeting and December 15, 2022 Special meeting, payment of bills totaling $18,106.66 and financial report Piper seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Burn Site: Tabled
Garbage Contract: Discussed options of Companies to call and options required by Woden for service - Tabled for further discussion
Solar Panels Ordinance: Discussed options for Install Best Practices and Disposal, Wiring Codes, Utility Company involvement in decision making, Inspections. Sending to Attorney for drafting.
City Code Updates – Second Reading Ordinance 22-7: Motion by Stucki, Piper second to Approve 2nd reading
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
2023-2024 Budget: Discussed and set amounts on Budget Proposal sheet
Notice of Hearing to Set Maximum Property Tax to Certify for Levy: Rout made the motion to set public hearing date for Monday, February 6th 2023 during 6:00 pm to set Maximum Levy, Plessel seconded
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
Certified Water Operator: Discussed using Paul Buns Trucking for our Water Certification needs
ICAP Grant Actual Expenditure: Discussed purchases made with 2022 grant funds and potential use of grant funds if available in 2023
Electronic Financial Documents for Council Meetings: Discussed who among the council would like to receive the financial reports in electronic format instead of paper. Brandt and Rout elected for Electronic
Council Duties: Assigned Community Growth / Parks to Plessel, position held by former council member Ewald. No other changes to assignments.
Adjournment: Piper made motion to adjourn at 8:45 PM, Brandt second.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Income for December
General $8311.55 Road $1716.96 Emergency $86.49
Water $3040.05 Sewer $7041.50 Benefits $282.66
Library $1390.25
City Employee Gross Wages for 2022
Bartelt, Verla $1,440.00
Brandt, Dylan $720.00
Buns, Paul $5,460.62
Eden, Kristen $275.50
Ewald, David $939.00
Harms, Nancy $940.00
Heyer, Denise $2,569.50
Patten, Benjamin $13,968.00
Piper, Tip $300.00
Rout, William $720.00
Schimmelpfennig, Deb $11,350.65
Stucki, Jeff $720.00
Swingen, Lisa $5,440.50
Swingen, Matthew $4,845.00
Claims to be Paid
NPDES Lagoon Permit -85
Ag Source Samples -26.75
Michael D. Troe Nov-22 -450
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -673.27
Alliant- Road Electric -271.11
Allaint - Ball field Electric -19.07
Allaint - Water Electric -243.06
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
Petty Cash Replenish Petty Cash -106.7
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
Woden City Sewer sewer Parks -135
IMT Insurance Late Payment Penalty -15
ClerkBooks Inc software -150
Deb R. Schimmelpfennig Reimburse for supplies -925.46
IPERS December -915.92
SS & Medicare December -1,395.00
Federal Withholding December -532.46
State Withholding 4th quarter -1,138.20
Sales Tax December -44.1
Wet Tax December -164.77
WCTA General December -88.78
Deb R. Schimmelpfennig Wages -721.88
David Ewald Wages -891
Ben Patten Wages -2,013.00
Matt Swingen Wages Nov & December -1,808.00
December 2022 Special Meeting Minutes
The City Council of the City of Woden met in special session on Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 5:54pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, Dylan Brandt, Tip Piper and Andrew Plessel.
Absent: None
Council Person Oath of Office: Mayor Buns administered oath of office to Andrew Plessel, new city council member
Employee Wages: Piper made the motion, Plessel second to amend
Effective January 1, 2023 new wages for city employee
Ben Patten $22.00 and Matt Swingen $16.00 per hour.
The members of the council voted as follows:
Stucki_aye, Rout_aye, Brandt_aye, Piper_aye, Plessel_aye Motion Carried.
Adjournment: Piper made motion to adjourn at 6:34PM, Rout second.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
December 2022 Meeting Minutes
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, December 12, 2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:05pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki and Dylan Brandt.
Absent: Tip Piper
Stucki made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for November 7, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $23,586.08 and financial report Brandt seconded.
Ayes- 3 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Burn Site: Tabled
Garbage Contract: Tabled
Solar Panels Ordinance: Discussed, further information to be gathered by council for consideration
City Code Updates – First Reading Ordinance 227:
Ayes- 3 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
Accept Resignation for City Council Member David Ewald: Stucki made the motion, Rout seconded to accept Resignation.
Ayes- 3 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
ICAP Proxy: Rout made the motion to have the Mayor and City Clerk as the on file proxy contacts
Ayes- 3 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
Signature on Banking Accounts: Stucki made the motion, Rout seconded to add David Ewald to all the bank accounts at First State Bank.
Ayes- 3 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
Employee Wages: Stucki made the motion, Rout second to pass
Effective January 1, 2023 new wages for city employee
Ben Patten $19.00 and Matt Swingen $16.00 per hour.
The members of the council voted as follows:
Stucki_aye, Rout_aye, Brandt_aye_ Motion Carried.
2023-24 City Budget: Tabled
Snow Emergency Ordinance: Discussed
Next Meeting Date: Due to the New Year holiday, January meeting to be held Tuesday, January 3, 2023
City Clerk Oath of Office: Mayor Buns administered oath of office to David Ewald, new city clerk
City Council Position: Rout made the motion, Stucki second to appoint Andrew Plessel to the city council to complete the term vacated by Ewald.
Ayes- 3 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
January meeting will be on Tuesday January 3 at 6:30.
Adjournment: Brandt made motion to adjourn at 7:29PM, Rout second.
Ayes- 3 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
November Income
General $6319.25 Road $1888.82 Emergency $60.32
Water $3284.99 Sewer $7087.15 Benefits $197.14
Library $13084.10
Claims to be Paid
Alliant - Library Electric -59.17
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer -45
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -72.75
Stucki, Jeff Compensation -664.92
Piper III, Tip Compensation -277.05
Ewald Clerk, David Wages -673.82
Waste Management Garbage -2,033.25
Ag Source Samples -116
Simmering-Cory Iowa Codific ordinance -313
Rout, William L Compensation -664.92
Brandt, Dylan Compensation -664.92
Buns, Paul Compensation -1,682.94
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Sales Tax Payment -44.1
Allaint - Ball field Electric -19.07
Allaint - Water Electric -524.22
Alliant- Road Electric -89.93
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -86.79
Larry Burma 2 Lawn Mowing -300
Certified Fire Fire Extinguisher -337.5
USA Blue Book High Security Master Locks -97.17
Gold-Eagle No1 Deisel Dyed -1,374.17
KCN Nielsen LTD Vehicle Repairs -2,647.61
Monson Repair LLC Truck Batteries -337.16
Michael D. Troe Oct-22 -471.49
IMWCA workers comp -535
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -680.1
North Park sewer -45
South Park sewer -45
Ball Diamond sewer -45
Bartelt, Verla Wages -103.27
Swingen, Matthew Wages -331.33
Swingen, Lisa Waqes -403.77
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wages -546.12
Patten, Benjamin Wages -926.29
United States Treasury November Withholding -737.34
IPERS November -118.06 Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Wet Tax -179.72
November 2022 Meeting Minutes
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, November 7, 2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:00pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald and Dylan Brandt.
Absent: Tip Piper
Stucki made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for October 3, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $44,132.32 and financial report Ewald seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Siren Location: Tabled
Building Permit: Rout made the motion, Brandt seconded to approve permit submitted for 252 Fox Ave.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
National Flood Insurance: Ewald made the motion, Stucki seconded to not participate in the National Flood Insurance program at this time. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried.
ICAP Grant: Discussed
City Clerk Position: Stucki made the motion, Rout seconded to hire Dave Ewald as the new city clerk.
Dave Ewald abstained from discussion and vote. Ayes-3 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Burn Site: Discussed.
Water Tower: Discussed
Right of Way Ditch Mowing: Mowing the ditch at the South Park will be included in the bid notice this Spring.
Garbage Contract: Discussed
Solar Panel Ordinances: Clerk will get information.
2022-2021 Annual Financial Report: Stucki made the motion, Rout seconded to pass
WHEREAS, the State of Iowa requires that an annual financial report be completed and filed with the state; and
WHEREAS, the City Clerk has prepared the Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Annual Financial report; and
WHEREAS, the Woden City Council has had an opportunity to examine the finance report; and
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Woden hereby approves the FY 2021/2022 City Annual Financial Report.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Code Update: Ordinance update pertaining to liquor sales will be drafted for next meeting.
December Meeting will be on December 12th.
Adjournment: Ewald made motion to adjourn at 7:43PM, Stucki second.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
October Income
General $27190.30 Road $1686.63 Emergency $577.22
Water $3011.50 Sewer $7041.15 Benefits $1886.36
Library $5042.78
Claims to be Paid
Patten, Benjamin wage -1,087.85
Schimmelpfennig, Deb wage -559.99
Algona Publishing Company clerk ad -66.6
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -90.91
Hawkins chlorine -379.5
Midwest Pipe Supply Inc. valve risers and clamps -868
USA Blue Book testing supplies -157.56
Maguire Iron interior tank cleaning -19,008.00
Allaint - Ball field Electric -21.04
Alliant- Road Electric -104.45
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -691.44
Nelson Septic Service LLC 434
Way Ave -6,000.00
Allaint - Water Electric -650.45
Michael D. Troe Sep-22 -450
Woden City Sewer sewer Parks -135
Waste Management Garbage -2,056.04
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -31.09
Stohr Aaron Shed roof -1,500.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
Bill Deibler Excavating water main repair -500
Ag Source Samples -287.25
Iowa Rural Water Dues -225
Clinton Schujter mowing -280
Titonka Food Center supplies -14.76
Ben Patten Supplies, fuel and mileage -242.55
CNA Surety bond -100
Iowa Dept Of Revenue sales tax March 2019 -14.98
Bartelt, Verla wage -129.08
Harms, Nancy E wage -464.72
Swingen, Lisa wage -139.57
Alliant - Library Electric -57.28
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer -45
Amazon Books -368.14
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.35
Michael Frederick Book -48
Overdrive e book sub -339.48
IPERS October -606.76
United States Treasury October -862.35
Iowa Department of Revenue WET tax - October -171.87
Iowa Department of Revenue Saless tax October -44.1
September 2022 Meeting Minutes
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Tuesday, September 6, 2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:02pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald, Dylan Brandt. Absent: Tip Piper
Ewald made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for August 1, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $19,852.41 and financial reports, Stucki seconded.
Ayes- 3 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Siren Location: Discussed - waiting for price quotes.
National Flood Insurance: Tabled
City Clerk Resignation: Denise Heyer resigned as city clerk. The Position is being posted and in the papers.
Brandt arrived.
USDA Annual Reports: Rout made the motion, Ewald second to approved annual USDA report as presented.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
123 Main: Ben Patten requested that the city not sell the property and use it for the cities equipment. He suggested constructing storage areas for the road rock. Stucki made the motion, Brandt second the motion to keep the property for the cities use. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Street Finance Report: Rout made the motion, Ewald second to approve the Annual Street Finance Report as presented. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
IMWCA: Reviewed the report from the worker comp insurance visit.
City Tractor: The condition of the city tractor was discussed.
City Truck: The truck computer went out, waiting for parts.
Lagoon Weeds: The condition of the lagoons was discussed. Seeking more information.
Water Drainage: The city is looking for an old fire hose to hook up to the hydrants to help in cleaning out culverts.
City Burn Site: Discussed the need for a burn site for tree limbs and the possible locations.
Animal License: All pets are required to be licensed that reside within the city limits. Tickets will be sent to residents that are not incompliance.
Dogs: Don Krull was in attendance voicing concern about the number of dogs that are not on a leash or in a fenced in area. He reported that he had been approached by several animals.
Adjournment: Ewald made motion to adjourn at 8:04PM, Brandt second.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
August Income
General $4,998.60 Library $7.46 Road $1,493.98
Water $3,573.06 Sewer $6,961.43 ARPA $15,400.86
Claims to be Paid
Ben Patten Supplies -122.32
KCN Nielsen LTD Oil filters, oil. bolts -681.36
Sign Works Ink Stop Sign -79.1
ACCO Chem Tech XP 7 Pump -686.96
Petty Cash Replenish Petty Cash -84.92
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -696.17
Alliant- Road Electric -117.27
Allaint - Water Electric -278.76
Allaint - Ball field Electric -33.59
WCTA Phone/Internet -89.48
Schimmelpfennig, Deb wage -620.16
Heyer, Denise wage -524.05
Patten, Benjamin wage -1,265.57
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -95.27
Waste Management Garbage -3,917.54
Clinton Schujter mowing -1,120.00
Swingen, Lisa wage -284.14
Swingen, Matthew wage -292.6
Harms, Nancy E wage -94.66
Bartelt, Verla wage -103.27
Alliant - Library Electric -87.49
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer Fee -45
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.8
Amazon Books -101.14
United States Treasury August -916.2
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance WET Payment -176.22
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Sales Tax Payment -44.1
Petty Cash postage -84.92
August 2022 Meeting Minutes
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, August 1, 2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:07pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald, Dylan Brandt. Absent: Tip Piper
Ewald made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for July 5, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $27,660.40 and financial reports, Stucki seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Shed: Discussed
Siren Location: Discussed location and bids
Ball Diamond: Ball Diamond shed maintenance was discussed. Materials have arrived.
Vegas Night: Vegas Night on August 20th was discussed. Motion by Stucki and seconded by Ewald to approve city get liquor license for Vegas Night if Board approved. Ayes-4 Nays-0 Motion carried.
Abandoned Properties: Abandoned properties were discussed. Will gather more information on liens and small claims.
Flood Insurance: Tabled for further discussion.
Building Permit: Building permit submitted by Dale Peterson. Motion to approve from Ewald, seconded by Stucki. Ayes-4 Nays-0 Motion approved.
Adjournment: Stucki made motion to adjourn at 7:40PM, Ewald seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
July Income
General $8,525.99 Library $0.00 Road $1547.27
Water $4,005.89 Sewer $6144.51 Emergency Fund $21.44
Employee Benefits $71.47
Claims to be Paid
Next Generation Technologies Technician remote updaate -46.5
Woden Fire Department Annual -10,600.00
Bingham Township Cememtery annual allotment -900
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
Ag Source Samples -26.75
CFE Lumber-Spirit Lake Building Materials -1,610.91
Alliant Energy Electric -141.27
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -700.99
Allaint - Ball field Electric -74.19
Allaint - Water Electric -312.9
Michael D. Troe Jun-22 -450
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -31.21
Niacog dues FY '23 -163.56
Murra Hardware supplies Invoice 2206-033406 -34.99
Iowa DNR 2023 Public Water Supply annual fee -25
Iowa One Call 6 notifications -6.3
Waste Management Garbage -1,907.11
Patten, Benjamin Wage -823.97
Heyer, Denise Wage -569.51
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wage -717.36
Ben Patten Supplies -93.91
Clinton Schujter mowing -560
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer Fee -180
US Postal Service stamped envelopes -734
Bartelt, Verla Wage -129.08
Swingen, Matthew Wage -292.6
Swingen, Lisa Wage -338.97
Alliant - Library Electric -89.12
Amazon Books -310.88
Amazon Books -38.45
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -72.08
IPERS Jul-22 -571.22
Internal Revenue SS, Medicare & withholding July -799.54
July 2022 Meeting Minutes
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:00pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald, Tip Piper and Dylan Brandt- arrived at 6:05 p.m. Absent: None
Rout made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for June 6, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $41562.99 and financial reports, Ewald seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Shed: Three bids were presented. Will contact contractors to get closer estimates.
Siren Location: Discussed location. Possibly on west side of fire station. Waiting for bids to come in.
Open for Discussion: Farm to Market
Building Permit: Building permit for shed at 203 5th St was discussed. Piper made motion to approve, seconded by Rout. Ayes-5 Nays-0 Motion carried.
Vegas Night: Vegas Night on August 20th was discussed. The closing of the 200 block of Main and transfer for
beer garden. 2nd Chance Liquor license subject to paperwork being submitted. Motion to approve liquor license by Stucki seconded by Piper. Ayes-5 Nays-0. Motion approved.
Abandoned Properties: Abandoned properties were discussed. Will decide on a case by case basis
Maintenance: Maintenance of the ball diamond was discussed. Council will volunteer hours to repair work that is needed on roof and doors. Materials will be ordered to complete.
Open for discussion: Restrooms at shelterhouse.
Adjournment: Piper made motion to adjourn at 7:02PM, Ewald seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Income June
General $8223.76 Library $3.25 Road $2564.12
Water $3895.33 Sewer $6988.62
Claims to be Paid
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wages -411.9
Heyer, Denise Wages -430.16
Patten, Benjamin Wages -910.14
Swingen, Matthew Wages -339.93
Swingen, Lisa Wages -393.79
Bartelt, Verla Wages -103.27
Iowa league of Cities Member dues 7/1/22-6/30-23 -357
Hawkins chlorine -166.8
ACCO Chem Tech XP 7 Pump -684.55
Heartland Asphalt street repair -18,845.86
ICAP Endorsement #1 fireworks -175
Michael D. Troe May-22 -450
BMC Aggregates rock -544.6
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -20.57
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -679.34
Alliant - Library Electric -59.66
Allaint - Ball field Electric -19.73
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
Alliant- Road Electric -103.23
Allaint - Water Electric -292.36
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
Ben Patten tools and mileage -363.47
Murra Hardware supplies -43.98
North Iowa Media publications -10.79
South Park sewer -45
North Park sewer -45
Ball Diamond -45
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -86.64
Earl W Hill Title Opinion 123 Main Ave -160
Clinton Schujter mowing -840
DeVries Lumber Co supplies -51.2
Brandt Farm Drainage LLC building removal -8,100.00
Alliant - Library Electric -59.66
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer Fee -45
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -72.18
Amazon Books -69.15
NuWay-K&H Energy LP -629.7
Iowa Dept. of Revenue WET Tax 2nd quarter 513.87
Iowa Dept. or Revenue Sales Tax 2nd quarter 132.3
June 2022 Meeting Minutes
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, June 6, 2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:00pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald, Tip Piper and Dylan Brandt- arrived at 6:43 p.m. Absent: None
Ewald made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for May 2, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $30,051.01 and financial reports, Stucki seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Woden Website: Still progressing on website.
Siren Location: Discussed location. Waiting for bids to come in.
Block Leaders: Another block leader needs to be found.
Well Pump Bids: Piper made motion to approve Schumacher Well Drilling bid of $5788.50. Rout seconded motion. Ayes-4 Nays-0 Motion carried.
Open for Discussion: Golf carts & four wheelers-Speed and too many occupants on one vehicle discussed.
July Meeting: Set for Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Meeting Times: 6:00pm meeting time will remain the same. Discussed members calling in.
Mileage fees: Mileage fees were discussed. Motion by Stucki and seconded by Ewald to set mileage fees
to .58 a mile. Ayes-4 Nay-0 Motion carried.
Oath of Office: Oath of Office was administered to Denise Heyer.
Maintenance: Maintenance of the ball diamond was discussed. Council will volunteer hours to repair work that is needed on roof and doors.
City Shed Addition: Discussion on addition to city shed. Waiting on bids.
Open for Discussion: Discussed barriers to open lot from old hotel. Also discussed repair of playground equipment.
Adjournment: Stucki made motion to adjourn at 7:24PM, Piper seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
May Income
General $11,259.26 Library $171.42 Road $1134.42
Water $2972.34 Sewer $6910.06
Claims to be Paid
Ostrem Caitlynn 114
deposit refund -131.66
Alliant- Road Electric -102.98
Allaint - Water Electric -228.39
Allaint - Ball field Electric -19.22
J.P. Cooke Animal Tags -80.35
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -671.92
City of Woden Sewer sewer -135
Monson Repair LLC Pick Up repair -407.06
Michael D. Troe Apr-22 -450
North Iowa Media publications -47
Plumb Supply Company Valves -120.77
Peterson Sanitation Inc. city wide clean up -390
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
Petty Cash Replenish Petty Cash -92.85
Swingen, Matthew Wage -245.27
Swingen, Lisa Wage -513.43
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wage -606.28
Patten, Benjamin Wage -786.27
Heyer, Denise Wage -205.98
Buns, Paul Wage -249.92
Bartelt, Verla Wage -77.45
Alliant - Library Electric -56
City of Woden Sewer sewer -45
Amazon Books & ink -842.58
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.34
North Iowa Libraries Collaborating Beacon -618.72
Michael Frederick Book -18
Carla Wellik Reimbursement for Amazon Subscription -148.73
Evans Blake 025 - deposit refund minus last bill -155.02
Gold-Eagle chemical -226.38
KCN Nielsen LTD tractor repairs -3,074.77
Titonka Food Center supplies -39.18
Ag Source Samples -53.5
Waste Management Garbage -3,781.12
Pyro Petes fireworks -500
Sign Works Ink signs -79.1
Robin Hobbs Painting- Post Office -748.47
DeVries Lumber Co supplies -51.2
GSS T-Ball Tshirts -226.8
Clinton Schujter mowing -1,120.00
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -90.6
IMWCA workers comp -2,239.00
Ben Patten tools and mileage -404.1
Paul M Buns tools and postage -968.07
Petty Cash postage 92.85
IPERS May & June -1,140.81
Internal Revenue S.S, Medic & withholding May & June -1,582.89
Iowa Department of Revenue 2nd qtr -821.85
May 2022 Meeting Minutes
It all begins with an idea.
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, May 2,2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:00pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald, Tip Piper and Dylan Brandt- arrived at 6:21. Absent: None
Stucki made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for April 4, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $13,599.12 and financial reports, Rout seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
2021-2022 Budget Amendment Public Hearing: Mayor Buns opened the public hearing at 6:05PM. Having no written or oral comments the public hearing was closed at 6:08. Ewald made the motion Rout seconded to pass Resolution 22-3 WHEREAS: The city is required is to amend the city budget if expenses are projected to exceed the approved budget. WHEREAS: The city projects that it will exceed projected expense in the 2021-2022 budget year. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WODEN, IOWA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: To amend the 2021-2022 budget increasing the total expenditures by $25,000.00 for a budget total of $301,491. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
123 Main Property Public Hearing: Mayor Buns opened the public hearing at 6:09PM. Having no written or oral comments the public hearing was closed at 6:15. Ewald made the motion Rout seconded to pass Resolution 22-4 WHEREAS: The property located at 123 Main is located next to the city shed. WHEREAS: The city projects a need for the property in the future. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WODEN, IOWA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: To purchase the property located at 123 Main within the city limits of Woden for $1.00 from Paul Buns. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Brandt arrives at 6:21
Fireworks: Piper made the motion to approve having a fireworks display on July 2nd and that the city would match the amount that the Community Club donated for the purchase of fireworks, Brandt seconded. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
ICAP Grant: Piper made the motion to purchase a surge protector for the city office, safety vests is needed and put the remainder of the $1000 towards the warning siren installation, Brandt seconded. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Tools: Piper made the motion, Stucki seconded to purchase the requested tools. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Clerk Position: Piper made the motion, Ewald seconded to hire Denise Heyer as the new city clerk. The starting wage will be $18.00 per hour. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Outstanding Account: Rout made the motion, Ewald seconded to write off three outstanding account totaling $3.23. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Lagoon Lease: Discussed
Disaster Plan: Reviewed
Water Plant Pump Maintenance Contract: Request for updated estimates will be sent out.
Siren: Discussed
Street Light in South Park: Piper made the motion, Stucki seconded to remove the street light that is located at the welcome to Woden sign. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Website: Piper made the motion, Ewald seconded to switch the city website. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Adjournment: Stucki made motion to adjourn at 8:17PM, Rout seconded. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Clerk Mayor
Income April
General $44172.49 Library $.30 Road $2187.10 Water $3047.98 Sewer $6952.82
Claims to be Paid
Nelson Septic Service LLC 434
Way Ave -350
Michael D. Troe February & March -900
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -659.89
Allaint - Ball field Electric -1.04
Allaint - Water Electric -231.23
Alliant- Road Electric -221.87
Iowa league of Cities Handbooks -80
City of Woden Sewer park sewer -135
Advanced Door Systems door repair -139
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
Ag Source Samples -26.75
Waste Management Garbage -1,908.84
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -98.1
Deb R. Schimmelpfennig Reimburse for supplies -448.96
Schimmelpfennig, Deb wage -888.59
Patten, Benjamin wage -662.41
Clinton Schujter brushing -280
Hughes, Bailey & Lucy 33 -56.88
Swingen, Matthew wage -461.29
Bartelt, Verla wage -129.08
Swingen, Lisa wage -338.97
Harms, Nancy E wage -25.81
Alliant - Library Electric -46.4
City of Woden Sewer sewer -45
Amazon Books -20.79
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -72.18
Summit Tribune subscription -49.99
Patten, Benjamin mileage -27
Paul M Buns 123 Main -1
April 2022 Meeting Minutes
It all begins with an idea.
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, April 4,2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:00pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald and Dylan Brandt- arrived at 6:31. Absent: Tip Piper
Ewald made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for March 7, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $13,045.71 and financial reports, Rout seconded.
Ayes- 3 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
2022 Summer Street Work Bids: Bids were received from Heartland Asphalt and Blacktop Services. After discussion Stucki made the motion, Rout seconded to sign contract with Heartland Asphalt to complete the work. Total of the contract is $18,675.00. Ayes- 3 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Summer Mowing Bids: Rout made the motion, Ewald seconded to hire Jacey and Clinton Schutjer to mow the city properties this summer at $280.00 per time. Ayes- 3 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
2021-2022 Budget Amendment: Dylan arrived. Stucki made the motion, Brandt seconded to set a public hearing for 6PM at May 2 council meeting to amend the budget. The amendment is to increase expenditures $25,000 in the general government fund. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Credit Card: Discussed
ICAP Grant: Discussed
Tools: Council instructed the city man to draft of list of needed tools.
123 Main: Brandt made the motion to set a public hearing for 6:15PM on May 2 for the purchase of the property located at 123 Main, Woden. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Building Permit: Ewald made the motion, Stucki seconded to approve the building permit for property located at 150 Fox Avenue. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Post Office Building: Discussed
City Clerk: Kristy Brunsvold will not be taking over as city clerk as she has found other employment. The position will be listed in the papers and posted.
Adjournment: Ewald made motion to adjourn at 8:04PM, Stucki seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Clerk Mayor
Income March
General $7,667.09 Library $2108.40 Road $913.20 Water $3,272.48 Sewer $6,919.77
Claims to be Paid
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -90.3
Deb R. Schimmelpfennig Reimburse for supplies -489.23
Allaint - Ball field Electric -19.07
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -665.13
Alliant- Road Electric -261.02
Allaint - Water Electric -239.92
Simmering-Cory Iowa Codific ordinance -88
Woden City Sewer Sewer -135
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
Patten, Benjamin wage -677.26
Schimmelpfennig, Deb wage -694.21
Bartelt, Verla wage -77.45
Swingen, Matthew wage -378.66
Swingen, Lisa wage -438.67
Alliant - Library Electric -60.54
City of Woden Sewer sewer -45
Amazon Books -185.17
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.64
NuWay-K&H Energy LP -6.9
IPERS March -454.61
United States Treasury March -628.93
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance 1st qtr withholdings -797.85
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Sales Tax Payment -624.01
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance WET Payment -491.71
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Sewer tax Payment -132.3
March 2022 Meeting Minutes
It all begins with an idea.
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, March 7,2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:05pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald and Dylan Brandt. Absent: Tip Piper
Rout made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for February 7, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $17,713.93 and financial reports, Ewald seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
2022-2023 Budget Public Hearing- Mayor Buns opened the public hearing at 6:06. Public hearing was closed at 6:13. Having no written or oral comments from the public, Ewald made the motion to pass Resolution #22-2 setting the tax levy at 10.83940 per $1000 for fiscal year 2022-2023, Stucki seconded.
Stucki – Aye, Rout – Aye, Ewald – Aye, Brandt – Aye Motion carried.
City Clerk: Stucki made the motion to hire Kristy Brunsvold as the new part time city clerk with a starting wage of $18.00 per hour. . She will starting in April and will take over all duties July 1st, Rout seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Community Center Board- Stucki made the motion, Ewald seconded to appoint Dawn Plessel to be on the Community Center board. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Fire Agency Board- Stucki made the motion, Ewald seconded to appoint Larry Burma to be on the Fire Agency board. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Liquor Licenses-Stucki made the motion, Brandt seconded to approve class C liquor licenses for 2nd Chance Bar and Grill LLC pending the proper paper work turned into. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Wide Clean Up- City wide clean up is set for April 22nd through the 26th.
Credit Card- discussed
2012-2022 Budget Amendment- discussed
Adjournment: Stucki made motion to adjourn at 7:40PM, Brandt seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Clerk Mayor
Income February
General $2,387.65 Library $4.70 Road $1.608.84 Water $2.897.62 Sewer $6,963.86
Claims to be Paid
IPERS February -688.16
United States Treasury February -907.51
ICAP INSURANCE Com. Ctr & Fire Agency -1,823.00
Michael D. Troe January -450
Hawkins chlorine -168.86
Hancock County Secondary Roads sanding street -168.61
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -97.37
Kirkwood Community College training -1,200.00
Office of Auditor of State examination fee -800
Alliant- Road Electric -267.79
Allaint - Water Electric -227.68
Allaint - Ball field Electric -18.41
Woden City Sewer Sewer -90
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -658.03
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
Deb R. Schimmelpfennig Reimburse for supplies -54.16
Schimmelpfennig, Deb wage -740.5
Patten, Benjamin wage -601.39
Ag Source Samples -52.25
Waste Management Garbage -1,865.13
Swingen, Matthew wage -292.6
Bartelt, Verla wage -103.27
Swingen, Lisa wage -338.97
Alliant - Library Electric -62.78
Woden City Sewer Sewer -45
Amazon Books -185.17
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -77.1
NuWay-K&H Energy LP -437.06
February 2022 Meeting Minutes
It all begins with an idea.
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, February 7,2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:10pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald and Dylan Brandt. Absent: Tip Piper
Stucki made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for January 3, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $24,914.64 and financial reports, Ewald seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Maximum Tax Public Hearing- Mayor Buns opened the public hearing at 6:11. Public hearing was closed at 6:13. Having no written or oral comments from the public, Ewald made the motion to pass Resolution #22-1 setting maximum tax levy rate of 10.95395 totaling $62,099 Rout seconded.
Stucki – Aye, Rout – Aye, Ewald – Aye, Brandt – Aye Motion carried.
Ordinance NO. 226 - Public Disorder- 3rd Reading: Stucki made motion to approve 3rd reading of Ordinance NO. 226, Brandt seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays-0 Motion Carried
Having no written or oral comments from the public, Stucki made the motion to pass Ordinance #226, Brandt seconded.
Stucki – Aye, Rout – Aye, Ewald – Aye, Brandt – Aye Motion carried.
Ordinance NO.225- Garbage Rates- 3rd Reading: Ewald made motion to approve 3rd reading of Ordinance NO. 225, Rout seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays-0 Motion Carried
Having no written or oral comments from the public, Ewald made the motion to pass Ordinance #225, Brandt seconded.
Stucki – Aye, Rout – Aye, Ewald – Aye, Brandt – Aye Motion carried.
City Clerk: discussed
2022-2023 Budget- Ewald made the motion, Rout seconded to set public hearing for the 2022-2023 budget for Monday, March 7 at 6:00 PM. Ayes- 4 Nays-0 Motion Carried
Water & Sewer Training- Council approved having Ben Patten getting certified as water and sewer operator for the city public works.
2022 Summer Mowing Bids- City will be accepting mowing bids for the upcoming mowing season until March 30th.
Mayor Meetings- Mayor is to take city truck to meetings.
Community Center Board- Checking to see if Dawn Plessel would like to sit on the board.
Fire Agency Board- Will check to see if Larry Burma would continue being on the board.
Adjournment: Ewald made motion to adjourn at 7:38PM, Stucki seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Income January
General $4,782.58 Library $8.45 Road $1.657.36 Water $2.926.13 Sewer $6,935.12
Claims to be Paid
Schimmelpfennig, Deb wage -796.03
Michael Troe December -450
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -85.68
Iowa One Call 10 notifications -9
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
Allaint - Water Electric -251.33
Allaint - Ball field Electric -21.7
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -663.4
Alliant- Road Electric -257
Ag Source Samples -37.5
Earl W Hill legal services -1,497.68
City of Woden Sewer sewer -135
First Sate Bank Lock Box -9
Murra Hardware supplies -10.47
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
Waste Management Garbage -3,627.26
KCN Nielsen LTD bolts -16.4
Buns, Paul wage -522.55
Patten, Benjamin wage -674.62
Deb R. Schimmelpfennig Reimburse for supplies -379.55
Patten Ben mileage -7
Swingen, Matthew wage -907.07
Swingen, Lisa wage -338.97
Alliant - Library Electric -67.24
City of Woden Sewer sewer -45
Amazon Books -203.64
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.08
Bartelt, Verla wage -103.27
IPERS January -566.48
United States Treasury January withholdings -788.46
H&S Auto Plus RV antifreeze, Fuel Stabilizer -117.55
January 2022 Meeting Minutes
It all begins with an idea.
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday January 3,2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:00pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald, Dylan Brandt and Tip Piper. Absent: none
Piper made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for December 1st, 2021 meeting and payment of bills totaling $32,768.45 and financial reports, Ewald seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Ordinance NO. 224- Official Posting Location- 3rd Reading: Stucki made motion to approve 3rd reading of Ordinance NO. 224, Piper seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays-0 Motion Carried
Having no written or oral comments from the public, Piper made the motion to pass Ordinance #224, Rout seconded.
Stucki – Aye, Rout – Aye, Piper – Aye, Ewald – Aye, Brandt – Aye Motion carried.
Ordinance NO. 226 - Public Disorder- 2nd Reading: Rout made motion to approve 2nd reading, Piper seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays-0 Motion Carried
Ordinance NO.225- Garbage Rates- 2nd Reading: Piper made motion to approve 2nd reading, Ewald seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays-0 Motion Carried
City Clerk & Assistant City Clerk Positions: discussed
Legal Publications: As the city’s population is under 200 according to the recent census the city is no longer required to publish in a paper. Items will be posted in the Post Office, Library and at City Hall.
Council Duties: Ewald – Mayor Pro Tem, Parks and Community Growth, Stucki – Tile and Sewer, Rout - Parks and Community Growth, Piper – Water, Brandt – Streets
Maintenance Person: Ben Patten was hires to be lead maintenance person and work towards getting certified to do water and sewer, Matt Swingen was also hired to assist. Starting wage of $14.00 per hour increasing to $18.00 upon completion of certifications.
2022-2023 Budget: Ewald made the motion to set Maximum Tax Levy public hearing for February 7, 2022 at 6:00, council chambers, Stucki seconded. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Budget was worked on.
Adjournment: Stucki made motion to adjourn at 7:56pm, Piper seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Clerk Mayor
Income December
General $11,525.92 Library $87.18 Road $347.76 Water $3,000.23 Sewer $6,362.49
BROWN KATHY $2,500.00
BUNS PAUL $20,244.38
Harms Nancy $806.63
SHANKS JAMES $1,384.00
SWINGEN LISA $4,858.00
SWINGEN MATT $3,033.64
EDEN KRISTEN $2,222.54
US Postal Service stamped envelopes
Woden Public Library allotment
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA
Hancock County Auditor Elections
Michael Troe November
Woden City Sewer Sewer
Allaint - Water Electric
Alliant- Road Electric
Allaint - Ball field Electric
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric
Hanna Woodworking sidewalk at PO
Alliant - Street Lights Electric
Murra Hardware supplies
Waste Management Garbage
Ag Source Samples
Gold-Eagle fuel
WCTA-General Phone/Internet
ClerkBooks Inc software
Paul M Buns fuel & mileage
Buns, Paul wage
Schimmelpfennig, Deb wage
Eden, Kristin wage
IPERS Nov & Dec
Internal Revenue Withholding Nov & Dec
Iowa Dept of Revenue 4th qtr withholdings
Iowa Dept of Revenue 4th qtr WET tax
Iowa Dept of Revenue 4th qtr sales tax
WCTA-General Phone/Internet
North Iowa Media publication
Matt Swingen wage
Ben Patten wage