March 2022 Meeting Minutes

The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, March 7,2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:05pm.


Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald and Dylan Brandt. Absent: Tip Piper


Rout made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for February 7, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $17,713.93 and financial reports, Ewald seconded.

Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried


2022-2023 Budget Public Hearing- Mayor Buns opened the public hearing at 6:06. Public hearing was closed at 6:13. Having no written or oral comments from the public, Ewald made the motion to pass Resolution #22-2 setting the tax levy at 10.83940 per $1000 for fiscal year 2022-2023, Stucki seconded.

Stucki – Aye, Rout – Aye, Ewald – Aye, Brandt – Aye Motion carried.


City Clerk: Stucki made the motion to hire Kristy Brunsvold as the new part time city clerk with a starting wage of $18.00 per hour. . She will starting in April and will take over all duties July 1st, Rout seconded.

Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried


Community Center Board- Stucki made the motion, Ewald seconded to appoint Dawn Plessel to be on the Community Center board. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried


Fire Agency Board- Stucki made the motion, Ewald seconded to appoint Larry Burma to be on the Fire Agency board. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried




Liquor Licenses-Stucki made the motion, Brandt seconded to approve class C liquor licenses for 2nd Chance Bar and Grill LLC pending the proper paper work turned into. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried


City Wide Clean Up- City wide clean up is set for April 22nd through the 26th.

Credit Card- discussed


2012-2022 Budget Amendment- discussed


Adjournment: Stucki made motion to adjourn at 7:40PM, Brandt seconded.

Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried


City Clerk Mayor


Income February

General $2,387.65 Library $4.70 Road $1.608.84 Water $2.897.62 Sewer $6,963.86

Claims to be Paid

IPERS February -688.16
United States Treasury February -907.51
ICAP INSURANCE Com. Ctr & Fire Agency -1,823.00
Michael  D. Troe January -450
Hawkins chlorine -168.86
Hancock County Secondary Roads sanding street -168.61
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -97.37
Kirkwood Community College training -1,200.00
Office of Auditor of State examination fee -800
Alliant- Road Electric -267.79
Allaint - Water Electric -227.68
Allaint - Ball field Electric -18.41
Woden City Sewer Sewer -90
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -658.03
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
Deb R. Schimmelpfennig Reimburse for supplies -54.16
Schimmelpfennig, Deb wage -740.5
Patten, Benjamin wage -601.39
Ag Source Samples -52.25
Waste Management Garbage -1,865.13
Swingen, Matthew wage -292.6
Bartelt, Verla wage -103.27
Swingen, Lisa wage -338.97
Alliant - Library Electric -62.78
Woden City Sewer Sewer -45
Amazon Books -185.17
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -77.1
NuWay-K&H Energy LP -437.06


April 2022 Meeting Minutes


February 2022 Meeting Minutes