November 2022 Meeting Minutes

The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, November 7, 2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:00pm.


Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald and Dylan Brandt.  

Absent: Tip Piper


Stucki made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for October 3, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $44,132.32 and financial report Ewald seconded.

 Ayes- 4           Nays- 0            Motion Carried





Siren Location:  Tabled


Building Permit: Rout made the motion, Brandt seconded to approve permit submitted for 252 Fox Ave.

 Ayes- 4           Nays- 0            Motion Carried


National Flood Insurance: Ewald made the motion, Stucki seconded to not participate in the National Flood Insurance program at this time.   Ayes- 4       Nays- 0            Motion Carried.          


ICAP Grant: Discussed


City Clerk Position: Stucki made the motion, Rout seconded to hire Dave Ewald as the new city clerk.

Dave Ewald abstained from discussion and vote.  Ayes-3     Nays- 0            Motion Carried


City Burn Site: Discussed.



                                                             NEW BUSINESS


Water Tower: Discussed


Right of Way Ditch Mowing: Mowing the ditch at the South Park will be included in the bid notice this Spring.


Garbage Contract: Discussed


Solar Panel Ordinances: Clerk will get information.


2022-2021 Annual Financial Report: Stucki made the motion, Rout seconded to pass





WHEREAS, the State of Iowa requires that an annual financial report be completed and filed with the state; and


WHEREAS, the City Clerk has prepared the Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Annual Financial report; and


WHEREAS, the Woden City Council has had an opportunity to examine the finance report; and


NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Woden hereby approves the FY 2021/2022 City Annual Financial Report.

Ayes- 4            Nays- 0            Motion Carried


City Code Update: Ordinance update pertaining to liquor sales will be drafted for next meeting.


December Meeting will be on December 12th.


Adjournment: Ewald made motion to adjourn at 7:43PM, Stucki second.

 Ayes- 4           Nays- 0            Motion Carried

October Income

General              $27190.30                  Road              $1686.63                     Emergency      $577.22

Water                 $3011.50                  Sewer              $7041.15                     Benefits           $1886.36

Library                           $5042.78

Claims to be Paid

Patten, Benjamin wage -1,087.85
Schimmelpfennig, Deb wage -559.99
Algona Publishing Company clerk ad -66.6
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -90.91
Hawkins chlorine -379.5
Midwest Pipe Supply Inc. valve risers and clamps -868
USA Blue Book testing supplies -157.56
Maguire Iron interior tank cleaning -19,008.00
Allaint - Ball field Electric -21.04
Alliant- Road Electric -104.45
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -691.44
Nelson Septic Service LLC 434
Way Ave -6,000.00
Allaint - Water Electric -650.45
Michael  D. Troe Sep-22 -450
Woden City Sewer sewer Parks -135
Waste Management Garbage -2,056.04
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -31.09
Stohr Aaron Shed roof -1,500.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
Bill Deibler Excavating water main repair -500
Ag Source Samples -287.25
Iowa Rural Water Dues -225
Clinton Schujter mowing -280
Titonka Food Center supplies -14.76
Ben Patten Supplies, fuel and mileage -242.55
CNA Surety bond -100
Iowa Dept Of Revenue sales tax March 2019 -14.98
Bartelt, Verla wage -129.08
Harms, Nancy E wage -464.72
Swingen, Lisa wage -139.57
Alliant - Library Electric -57.28
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer -45
Amazon Books -368.14
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.35
Michael Frederick Book -48
Overdrive e book sub -339.48
IPERS October -606.76
United States Treasury October -862.35
Iowa Department of Revenue WET tax - October -171.87
Iowa Department of Revenue Saless tax October -44.1


December 2022 Meeting Minutes


September 2022 Meeting Minutes