August 2022 Meeting Minutes
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, August 1, 2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:07pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald, Dylan Brandt. Absent: Tip Piper
Ewald made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for July 5, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $27,660.40 and financial reports, Stucki seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Shed: Discussed
Siren Location: Discussed location and bids
Ball Diamond: Ball Diamond shed maintenance was discussed. Materials have arrived.
Vegas Night: Vegas Night on August 20th was discussed. Motion by Stucki and seconded by Ewald to approve city get liquor license for Vegas Night if Board approved. Ayes-4 Nays-0 Motion carried.
Abandoned Properties: Abandoned properties were discussed. Will gather more information on liens and small claims.
Flood Insurance: Tabled for further discussion.
Building Permit: Building permit submitted by Dale Peterson. Motion to approve from Ewald, seconded by Stucki. Ayes-4 Nays-0 Motion approved.
Adjournment: Stucki made motion to adjourn at 7:40PM, Ewald seconded.
Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
July Income
General $8,525.99 Library $0.00 Road $1547.27
Water $4,005.89 Sewer $6144.51 Emergency Fund $21.44
Employee Benefits $71.47
Claims to be Paid
Next Generation Technologies Technician remote updaate -46.5
Woden Fire Department Annual -10,600.00
Bingham Township Cememtery annual allotment -900
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
Ag Source Samples -26.75
CFE Lumber-Spirit Lake Building Materials -1,610.91
Alliant Energy Electric -141.27
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -700.99
Allaint - Ball field Electric -74.19
Allaint - Water Electric -312.9
Michael D. Troe Jun-22 -450
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -31.21
Niacog dues FY '23 -163.56
Murra Hardware supplies Invoice 2206-033406 -34.99
Iowa DNR 2023 Public Water Supply annual fee -25
Iowa One Call 6 notifications -6.3
Waste Management Garbage -1,907.11
Patten, Benjamin Wage -823.97
Heyer, Denise Wage -569.51
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wage -717.36
Ben Patten Supplies -93.91
Clinton Schujter mowing -560
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer Fee -180
US Postal Service stamped envelopes -734
Bartelt, Verla Wage -129.08
Swingen, Matthew Wage -292.6
Swingen, Lisa Wage -338.97
Alliant - Library Electric -89.12
Amazon Books -310.88
Amazon Books -38.45
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -72.08
IPERS Jul-22 -571.22
Internal Revenue SS, Medicare & withholding July -799.54