May 2022 Meeting Minutes
The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, May 2,2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:00pm.
Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, David Ewald, Tip Piper and Dylan Brandt- arrived at 6:21. Absent: None
Stucki made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for April 4, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $13,599.12 and financial reports, Rout seconded.
Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
2021-2022 Budget Amendment Public Hearing: Mayor Buns opened the public hearing at 6:05PM. Having no written or oral comments the public hearing was closed at 6:08. Ewald made the motion Rout seconded to pass Resolution 22-3 WHEREAS: The city is required is to amend the city budget if expenses are projected to exceed the approved budget. WHEREAS: The city projects that it will exceed projected expense in the 2021-2022 budget year. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WODEN, IOWA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: To amend the 2021-2022 budget increasing the total expenditures by $25,000.00 for a budget total of $301,491. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
123 Main Property Public Hearing: Mayor Buns opened the public hearing at 6:09PM. Having no written or oral comments the public hearing was closed at 6:15. Ewald made the motion Rout seconded to pass Resolution 22-4 WHEREAS: The property located at 123 Main is located next to the city shed. WHEREAS: The city projects a need for the property in the future. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WODEN, IOWA HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: To purchase the property located at 123 Main within the city limits of Woden for $1.00 from Paul Buns. Ayes- 4 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Brandt arrives at 6:21
Fireworks: Piper made the motion to approve having a fireworks display on July 2nd and that the city would match the amount that the Community Club donated for the purchase of fireworks, Brandt seconded. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
ICAP Grant: Piper made the motion to purchase a surge protector for the city office, safety vests is needed and put the remainder of the $1000 towards the warning siren installation, Brandt seconded. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Tools: Piper made the motion, Stucki seconded to purchase the requested tools. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Clerk Position: Piper made the motion, Ewald seconded to hire Denise Heyer as the new city clerk. The starting wage will be $18.00 per hour. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Outstanding Account: Rout made the motion, Ewald seconded to write off three outstanding account totaling $3.23. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Lagoon Lease: Discussed
Disaster Plan: Reviewed
Water Plant Pump Maintenance Contract: Request for updated estimates will be sent out.
Siren: Discussed
Street Light in South Park: Piper made the motion, Stucki seconded to remove the street light that is located at the welcome to Woden sign. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Website: Piper made the motion, Ewald seconded to switch the city website. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
Adjournment: Stucki made motion to adjourn at 8:17PM, Rout seconded. Ayes- 5 Nays- 0 Motion Carried
City Clerk Mayor
Income April
General $44172.49 Library $.30 Road $2187.10 Water $3047.98 Sewer $6952.82
Claims to be Paid
Nelson Septic Service LLC 434
Way Ave -350
Michael D. Troe February & March -900
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -659.89
Allaint - Ball field Electric -1.04
Allaint - Water Electric -231.23
Alliant- Road Electric -221.87
Iowa league of Cities Handbooks -80
City of Woden Sewer park sewer -135
Advanced Door Systems door repair -139
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
Ag Source Samples -26.75
Waste Management Garbage -1,908.84
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -98.1
Deb R. Schimmelpfennig Reimburse for supplies -448.96
Schimmelpfennig, Deb wage -888.59
Patten, Benjamin wage -662.41
Clinton Schujter brushing -280
Hughes, Bailey & Lucy 33 -56.88
Swingen, Matthew wage -461.29
Bartelt, Verla wage -129.08
Swingen, Lisa wage -338.97
Harms, Nancy E wage -25.81
Alliant - Library Electric -46.4
City of Woden Sewer sewer -45
Amazon Books -20.79
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -72.18
Summit Tribune subscription -49.99
Patten, Benjamin mileage -27
Paul M Buns 123 Main -1