December 2022 Meeting Minutes

The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, December 12, 2022 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:05pm.


Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki and Dylan Brandt.  

Absent: Tip Piper


Stucki made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for November 7, 2022 meeting and payment of bills totaling $23,586.08 and financial report Brandt seconded.

 Ayes- 3           Nays- 0            Motion Carried





City Burn Site:  Tabled


Garbage Contract:  Tabled


Solar Panels Ordinance: Discussed, further information to be gathered by council for consideration


City Code Updates – First Reading Ordinance 227:

Ayes- 3            Nays- 0            Motion Carried.          


Accept Resignation for City Council Member David Ewald: Stucki made the motion, Rout seconded to accept Resignation.

Ayes- 3            Nays- 0            Motion Carried.          




                                                             NEW BUSINESS


ICAP Proxy: Rout made the motion to have the Mayor and City Clerk as the on file proxy contacts

Ayes- 3            Nays- 0            Motion Carried.          


Signature on Banking Accounts: Stucki made the motion, Rout seconded to add David Ewald to all the bank accounts at First State Bank.

Ayes- 3            Nays- 0            Motion Carried.          



Employee Wages: Stucki made the motion, Rout second to pass



Effective January 1, 2023 new wages for city employee


Ben Patten $19.00  and Matt Swingen $16.00 per hour.


The members of the council voted as follows:

Stucki_aye­­,  Rout_aye,  Brandt_aye_             Motion Carried.          


2023-24 City Budget: Tabled


Snow Emergency Ordinance: Discussed


Next Meeting Date: Due to the New Year holiday, January meeting to be held Tuesday, January 3, 2023


City Clerk Oath of Office: Mayor Buns administered oath of office to David Ewald, new city clerk


City Council Position: Rout made the motion, Stucki second to appoint Andrew Plessel to the city council to complete the term vacated by Ewald.

Ayes- 3            Nays- 0            Motion Carried.          


January meeting will be on Tuesday January 3 at 6:30.


Adjournment: Brandt made motion to adjourn at 7:29PM, Rout second.

 Ayes- 3           Nays- 0            Motion Carried

November Income

General              $6319.25                    Road              $1888.82                     Emergency      $60.32

Water                 $3284.99                  Sewer              $7087.15                     Benefits           $197.14

Library                           $13084.10

Claims to be Paid

Alliant - Library Electric -59.17
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer -45
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -72.75
Stucki, Jeff Compensation -664.92
Piper III, Tip Compensation -277.05
Ewald Clerk, David Wages -673.82
Waste Management Garbage -2,033.25
Ag Source Samples -116
Simmering-Cory Iowa Codific ordinance -313
Rout, William L Compensation -664.92
Brandt, Dylan Compensation -664.92
Buns, Paul Compensation -1,682.94
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Sales Tax Payment -44.1
Allaint - Ball field Electric -19.07
Allaint - Water Electric -524.22
Alliant- Road Electric -89.93
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -86.79
Larry Burma 2 Lawn Mowing -300
Certified Fire Fire Extinguisher -337.5
USA Blue Book High Security Master Locks -97.17
Gold-Eagle No1 Deisel Dyed -1,374.17
KCN Nielsen LTD Vehicle Repairs -2,647.61
Monson Repair LLC Truck Batteries -337.16
Michael  D. Troe Oct-22 -471.49
IMWCA workers comp -535
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -680.1
North Park sewer -45
South Park sewer -45
Ball Diamond sewer -45
Bartelt, Verla Wages -103.27
Swingen, Matthew Wages -331.33
Swingen, Lisa Waqes -403.77
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wages -546.12
Patten, Benjamin Wages -926.29
United States Treasury November Withholding -737.34
IPERS November -118.06 Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Wet Tax -179.72


December 2022 Special Meeting Minutes


November 2022 Meeting Minutes