February 2023 Meeting Minutes

The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, February 6, 2023 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:01pm.


Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, Tip Piper, Andy Plessel and Dylan Brandt.  

Absent: None


Rout made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for January 3, 2023, payment of bills totaling $22,401.52 and financial report Piper seconded.

 Ayes- 5           Nays- 0            Motion Carried





Hearing to Set Maximum Property Tax to Certify for Levy:  Hearing opened, no opponents to maximum levy expressed.    Roll call Vote, all Ayes. Motion by Rout, Stucki second to close hearing.

Ayes- 5            Nays- 0            Motion Carried.          


Garbage Contract:  Discussed options of Companies to call and options required by Woden for service - Tabled for further discussion in approximately 9 months’ time


Solar Panels Ordinance: Discussed Attorney drafted Solar Energy Systems Ordinance.  Draft was accepted and will be put on next month’s agenda for approval.


City Code Updates – Third Reading Ordinance 22-7: Motion by Rout, Piper second to Approve 3rd reading

Ayes- 5            Nays- 0            Motion Carried.


Approve Ordinance 22-7: Motion by Piper, Rout second to approve passing

Ayes- 5            Nays- 0            Motion Carried.


City Burn Site:  Continued discussion of possible locations, further information being gathered and will be looked at again at next month’s meeting


                                                             NEW BUSINESS


Set Public Hearing for 2023-2024 Budget Approval: Motion by Piper, Brandt second to set Public hearing for Monday, March 6 at 6PM during council meeting.

Ayes- 5            Nays- 0            Motion Carried.


Certified Water and Sewer Operator: Discussed Paul Buns Trucking continuing with the City as a Contracted Water Operator upon recertification and drafting of a contract.  Sewer discussing tabled till next month.


Snow Removal Personnel: Discussed Paul Buns hours for snow removal hours


ICAP Grant 2023: Discussed purchase of Tractor Tire Chains as potential use of grant funds if available in 2023.


Purchase of Forks for City Tractor: Discussed purchasing a set of Forks for use with the city tractor.  Waiting for a quote, shelfed until next month.


Hancock County Portable Backup Generator: Discussed purchasing Generator with other cities to use for emergency backup.  Concerns were brought up about usage and inclusion of Woden in purchase was decided against.


Lawn Mowing Contract: Discussed sending out Bids for Lawn Mowing of Parks and other City Owned properties.  Notice will be sent out second week of February asking for bids.


City Web Site: Discussed merits of keeping current hosting company versus changing to new prototype site under development.  Motion by Plessel, Stucki second to switch City Website over to new platform.

Ayes- 5            Nays- 0            Motion Carried


Vegas Night Liquor License: Motion by Piper, Plessel second to have city apply for license.

Ayes- 5            Nays- 0            Motion Carried


Motion by Piper, Plessel second to pre-approve acceptance of license.

Ayes- 5            Nays- 0            Motion Carried


Adjournment: Piper made motion to adjourn at 8:04 PM, Brandt second.

 Ayes- 5           Nays- 0            Motion Carried

Income for January

General              $8199.74                   Road               $1450.28                     Emergency      $0.00

Water                 $3777.79                  Sewer              $7106.33                     Benefits           $0.00

Library                           $15.82

Claims to be Paid

Patten Ben mileage -29
High Meadow Properties LLC City Utility Refund account 125 -17.92
US Postal Service stamped envelopes -769.8
Ag Source Samples -222
GovOffice website -660
Iowa One Call 8 notifications -7.2
ClerkBooks Inc software -850
Ag Source Samples -26.75
Allaint - Ball field Electric -21.7
Allaint - Water Electric -298.32
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -671.16
Alliant- Road Electric -334.73
Michael  D. Troe Dec-22 -450
Waste Management Garbage -1,987.68
Algona Machine & Supply, Inc. Fix Tractor Cylinders -591.89
KCN Nielsen LTD Tractor and Snow Blower Parts for Repair -1,914.31
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
First State Bank Lock Box -9
Woden City Sewer sewer Parks -135
Petty Cash Replenish Petty Cash -75.75
Ewald Clerk, David Wages -484.69
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wages -286.95
Patten, Benjamin Wages -1,125.57
Deb R. Schimmelpfennig Reimburse for supplies -670.05
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -91.58
Swingen, Matthew Wages -927.72
Buns, Paul Wages -143.9
USA Blue Book Invoice # 239016 -717.94
Alliant - Library Electric -77.1
City of Woden Sewer Monthly Sanitary Sewer -45
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.76
Bartelt, Verla Wages -103.27
Swingen, Lisa Wages -254.22
NuWay-K&H Energy LP -484.59
United States Treasury SS, Medi and Fed Withholding -1,321.48
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Sales and Wet Tax -257.13
IPERS January -1,004.20


March 2023 Meeting Minutes


January 2023 Meeting Minutes