March 2023 Meeting Minutes


March 6, 2023


The City Council of the City of Woden met in regular session on Monday, March 6, 2023 at 6:00pm, Council Chambers.


The meeting was called to order by Mayor Paul Buns at 6:00pm.


Council members present were: Bill Rout, Jeff Stucki, Tip Piper, Andy Plessel and Dylan Brandt (arrived 6:23).  

Absent: None


Piper made the motion to approve the agenda, minutes written for February 6, 2023, payment of bills totaling $28,186.83 and financial report Stucki seconded.

 Ayes- 4           Nays- 0            Motion Carried





Public Hearing for 2023-2024 Budget Approval:  Hearing opened, no opposition to budget adoption expressed.    Roll call Vote, all Ayes. Motion by Piper, Rout second to close hearing.

Ayes- 5            Nays- 0            Motion Carried.


Solar Panels Ordinance – First Reading Ordinance 228: Motion by Piper to Approve 1st reading, second by Rout

Ayes- 4            Nays- 0            Motion Carried.


City Burn Site:  Pushed to next month, no new information of potential locations


Certified Water and Sewer Operator: Discussed Paul Buns continuing with the City as a Contracted Water Operator upon recertification and drafting of a contract.  Sewer discussion tabled for future consideration for Paul Buns to assume this role upon certification completion


ICAP Grant 2023: Submitted purchase of Tractor Tire Chains as use of grant funds in 2023, awaiting approval from ICAP.


Purchase of Forks for City Tractor: Discussed purchasing a set of Forks for use with the city tractor.  Waiting for further quotes, shelfed until next month.


Lawn Mowing Contract: Discussed that as of the time of the meeting, no bids had arrived to the City Office.





                                                             NEW BUSINESS


2nd Chances Liquor License Renewal Pre-Approval: Tabled until next month as they have not applied for renewal yet.


ICAP Proxy: Discussed continuing to have the Mayor and the City Clerk as proxy members.  Motion by Piper, Stucki second.

Ayes- 5            Nays- 0            Motion Carried


Community Center Board Member from City Council: Discussed having Council Member Andrew Plessel represent the city on the Community Center Board.  He accepted.


City Wide Cleanup: Council set the date for this year’s cleanup to begin Friday, April 21st and run until Tuesday, April 25th ending at 6pm.


Street Maintenance and Repair Contract: Discussed sending out letters to Heartland & Black Top Services asking for bids to access our roads and determine needed repairs.


Front and Back Plow on City Tractor – Refurbish or Replacement: Discussed if the city should consider purchasing new plow blades or refurbish the existing blades.  Council will look into price of refurbishing blades, shelved till next month


Adjournment: Piper made motion to adjourn at 7:10 PM, Plessel second.

 Ayes- 5           Nays- 0            Motion Carried

City Clerk                                                                                           Mayor

Income for February

General              $11746.68                 Road               $1674.31                     Emergency      $5.06

Water                 $3069.39                  Sewer              $7205.48                     Benefits           $16.52

Library                           $15.02

Claims to be Paid

Ben Patten Tester and Supplies -33.28
Iowa Alcohol Beverage Division Community Center Fundraiser Liquor License -24.38
Paul M Buns Lumber -18
Murra Hardware replacement Lights -26.97
Ag Source Samples -27.5
ICAP Ins. Premiums -11,159.00
Hawkins Chemicals -170.75
Michael  D. Troe Jan-23 -450
Alliant - Street Lights Electric -649.41
Alliant- Road Electric -289.4
Allaint - Ball field Electric -19.73
Allaint - Water Electric -224.38
Prairie Energy CO-OP Electric -30.97
Waste Management Garbage -1,961.08
Ewald David Checks Printer Supplies -213.82
Woden City Sewer sewer Parks -135
Hancock County Law Enforcement Contract -954.16
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -738
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -761
USDA Loan loan Payment USDA -2,809.00
WCTA-General Phone/Internet -94.41
Ewald Clerk, David Wages -502.87
Schimmelpfennig, Deb Wages -259.17
Patten, Benjamin Wages -851.58
Office of Auditor of State examination fee -800
Gold-Eagle No1 Deisel Dyed -1,504.89
Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance Sales and Wet Tax -215.07
United States Treasury February SS, Med and Fed Tax -982.02
IPERS February -717.53
ICAP Ins. Premiums -575
Bartelt, Verla Wages -103.27
Swingen, Matthew Wages -292.6
Swingen, Lisa Wages -338.97
Alliant - Library Electric -64.66
WCTA-Library Telephone/Internet -71.76
Summit Tribune subscription -108.99
Gold-Eagle Softener Salt -8.21


April 2023 Meeting Minutes


February 2023 Meeting Minutes