February 2023 City Council Agenda
1. Call meeting to order
2. Approve the agenda
3. Approve the minutes written for January 3rd 2023
4. Approve payment of bills
5. Financial Reports
A. Hearing to Set Maximum Property Tax to Certify for Levy
B. Garbage Contract
C. Solar Panels Ordinance
D. City Code Updates – Third Reading Ordinance 227
E. Approve Ordinance 227
F. City Burn Site
G. Open for discussion
A. Set Public Hearing for 2023-2024 Budget Approval
B. Certified Water and Sewer Operator
C. Snow Removal Personnel
D. ICAP Grant 2023
E. Purchase of Forks for City Tractor
F. Hancock County Portable Backup Generator
G. Lawn Mowing Contract
H. City Website
I. Vegas Night Liquor Licence
J. Open for discussion
8. Adjournment
Anyone wishing to add an item to the agenda has to have them submitted to the clerk’s office 24 hours prior to the council meeting. All items to be discussed have to be posted for 24 hours before the meetings.